Oversize Permits
The Oversize Permit Unit has State-wide responsibility for the transportation of oversize and overweight loads as defined in Federal Code Title 23;
Georgia Code Title 32 and GDOT Board Rule 672-2. Permits are issued for vehicles and loads that exceed the legal size and/or weight limits for
travel on the public roadways of the State of Georgia.
Important Links
Order Permits To apply for an Oversize/Overweight permit, you need to go to the GAPROS website to access the automated Georgia Permitting and Routing Optimization System.
2023 Holiday Schedule A schedule of all holiday office closures and travel restrictions is available in PDF format. Please print for future reference.
2024 Holiday Schedule A schedule of all holiday office closures and travel restrictions is available in PDF format. Please print for future reference.
Route Map Please refer to the Georgia Oversize Truck Route map for a listing of all approved routes for Annual Permit holders.
Routine Log Please refer to the Routing Log for a current listing of posted bridges and restrictions by Mile Point and County.
Posted and Restricted Bridges Please refer to the Posted and Restricted Bridges link for information on avoiding posted bridges and a list of bridge restrictions. No permitted load may cross a posted or restricted bridge.